Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Saw The Queen

Good Day! How are you? Recovering from Christmas & Holiday debauchery? Did you have a great weekend?

We sure did around here. Actually it was a magical Christmas for my little family. Totally low key, very relaxing, lots of time spent together, it was the best. The Bean was a darling, and savoured all her Christmas presents, it was too much fun. Brad is back at work for a little while today, probably only to get a bit of respite from playing Barbies for 3 days straight, what a good Daddy....

So the extent of my excercise from Friday to today involved lifting. Lifting heavy glasses of wine and eggnog, and forkfulls of 1 billion different kinds of chocolatey, delicious, rich Christmas foods to my lips. With a huge snow storm that made us housebound yesterday, I had to wait until today to get out of the house and straight to the gym. And so today I had my first post-Christmas EPIC workout. It wrecked me, and in a good way. The inspiration for my workout today came from a video I saw online, made by that girl on the 'BodyRock' website.

Ok now, let me just preface your viewing of that video (if you choose to check it out) by saying that that girl is in incredible shape. If you can get past her, er, ample chest, you'll see she has a pretty incredible physique and more importantly, is in extraordinary physical condition. And with that preface, I am sure it is safe to assume that if I have any male readers they are now furiously googling 'body rock' and are no longer reading!

Needless to say my respect for her physical abilities intensified when I attempted to complete one of the drills there and could only get through half of it. That was inspiring to me. Here I am, thinking I'm in half decent shape, and I was quickly disabused of that notion.

THEN, guess who I saw at the gym today? THE QUEEN. This is a nickname I have for a woman who goes there sometimes when I am there and she is this serene, gorgeous, perfectly formed beauty with a bod that is not only as close to perfection as can be, but she doesn't seem to sweat. Also, she just kinda 'floats' from place to place, with this serene look on her alabaster face. I feel like a sweaty, puffing little gremlin beside her. But the point is, she inspires me too. So between these two incidents, I am more in love with excercise than ever before, because I feel like I have major goals to achieve in the coming year. And I can't wait to go back to get going with those! What are your fitness goals this year? Want some help? Let me know....

So with all of that eating out of the way I am recomitting to putting healthier foods into my mouth. Last night I made a gorgeous Ragout of Winter Veggies and the rest of the week will involve Swiss Chard/Cheese/Quinoa Tart, Vegetarian Pizza (dough made in my new stand mixer, thank you Brad!!!), Roasted Squash & Sweet Potato Harvest Casserole. New Year's will either be Thai Food or possibly Chinese, we'll see how it goes. Either way it's gonna be a chill evening here at home for us....What are your plans?

Anyway, I must away to scale Mt Laundry and take care of some work-related emails & calls. Have a great day, and be back soon!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gluttony & Chutney, Bring it On!

Yo, Ho, Ho, Ho!
T Minus 4 days till Christmas- how you doing???

I'm just about all set myself for the big day, just a few last minute stocking stuffers for my Baby Daddy and it'll be go time. I did something insane last weekend, in an effort to totally finish all Christmas shopping- food included- and braved Walmart & Costco. On a sunny Saturday the week before Christmas, I can't imagine what was going through my head when I decided to embark on that mission, it was complete insanity! My only saving grace was that a) I was able to work out beforehand to minimize stress and b) I didn't have either the Bean or Brad with me, which would have made it unbearable. It got so bad in the aisles of Costco, where people were lounging and dawdling with their enormous carts, not letting people through. The look on my face must have been quite, er, significant shall we say? That people starting looking at me askance and quickly moving their carts aside so I could grab what I needed and go. It literally was like the Red Sea parting before me. Except I'm not Moses. I just posess The Beotch Face. Making Christmas Memories in box stores every year. Yup.

As it was I felt as though bleeding from the eyes would have been preferable to that excursion and unfortunately it depleted my Christmas Spirit considerably. However, all was restored the next day when I attended a glorious brunch and cookie exchange, where I got to stock up on dozens of gourmet cookies prepared by a fabulous bunch of ladies. You ever been to a cookie exchange? I am telling you it is the WAY to go- sure you gotta make a bunch of cookies to bring with you, but you come away with so much, and such wonderful variety! It works kind of like a multilevel marketing scheme or 'cookie pyramid' in a way, but hey, it's not like you're getting sucked into a bunch of Amway soap so it's all good!

So speaking of working out before a stressful shopping experience and the holidays. I was listening to a program on the radio this morning and the hosts were going on about how this time of year they just leave their fitness program go by the wayside, and just indulge to their heart's content. Let me be clear: you know I am a piglet. I don't limit myself to just the holidays to overindulge. It is a pastime I enjoy year round! But with that said, I'll be at the gym every day this week too. Keeping active will mitigate the effects of all the sweets, 'nog & wine and whatever else- why wait until January 1st to get moving? Just sayin.

It's nice to see so many people at the gym right now- and I know it will get out of control once Christmas is over. A lot of new people seem to be kicking around. Heavy Breathing Sound Effect Man is one new addition to my weightroom. Highly entertaining, for about the first 3 seconds. Sounds like he was trying to give birth instead of lifting a 20 lb dumbell. Good thing my Ipod goes pretty loud, sheesh.

Ok so I wanted to share a couple of things. The first is a Cranberry Chutney recipe that I make every year, borrowed from my superb auntie. It's a great alternative to canned cranberry sauce. It's highly spiced- not spicy- and will make your house smell like Christmas instantly. Not particularly the most healthy thing around due to the sugar, but you know what? Who cares. Goes great with all fowl, and we are going to have it with our Christmas dinner of stuffed Pork Roast (jury still out on whether I'll partake in that particular option, but it does look yummy). So here it is:

Cranberry Chutney

1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
2 Medium Granny Smith Apples, chopped
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup golden raisings
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1 tsp cinammon
1 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp cloves & allspice
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts.

Bring sugar and water to a boil, boil for 3 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients except nuts, bring to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes. When cool, add nuts. Refrigerate.

Last night for dinner I made 'Mexican Kitchen Sink Stuffed Peppers'. Yes, a very authentically Mexican dinner probably handed down generation after generation. Or not. But anyway, it was really good! It was an easy, tasty & healthy way to use up fridge leftovers, and you could change it up however you want. Here's what I used:

- 4 large sweet peppers (2 yellow, 2 red)
-leftover brown rice
- leftover chopped, steamed brocoli
-1 can black beans, drained & rinsed
-salt, pepper, cumin to taste, fresh garlic
-sliced black olives

Cut the tops of the peppers off and set aside. Remove the seeds and that white stuff that holds the seeds. Combine all other ingredients except the cheese, adding enough salsa to make it moist but not soupy. Scoop into the peppers and top with cheese. Place into a casserole dish so that the peppers are standing up, and wedged together so they don't tip over. Cover with foil and bake in a 375 oven until the peppers are tender and the rice mixture is hot. Remove foil and broil until cheese starts to get brown and bubbly. It was quite tasty, and I ate it with a salad on the side, very filling. And now I have a leftover one heating up in the oven for lunch, yum! You can hold on to the tops of the peppers and eat them with dip another time.

Ok you're probably getting tired of my rambling post so I'm done for now. Hope you guys are all in the Christmas Spirit and excited for the weekend...if I don't talk to you before then, have a wonderful holiday!!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

There Will Be Birthday Curry & A 'Tini Recipe

Hey There Everybody!
How's your Thursday treating you so far? Mine is oustanding! It's my birthday! And so far, it's been a great one! It all started with a lovely little bauble presented to me at 6am from my Baby Daddy, he is so thoughtful. What makes it particularly thoughtful is that he went to the jewellery store and bought the item all by himself! That took planning and thought, and I was so touched, what a sweetie pie. At the gym I got a big birthday hug from the girl at the front desk, and many 'Happy Birthday's!' from my weight room peeps too, it was so sweet....And this is all on top of so many well wishes by phone, email & facebook. I am really feeling the love!

Tonight, I will celebrate with Birthday Curry from the Taj Mahal. I can't wait! There will be Dal Makhani, Garlic Naan, Rice, Spicy potato & cauli tomato curry....ooooh it's gonna be debauchery. We'll eat Indian food and decorate our Christmas tree tonight, which reminds me of when I was a kid, we always decorated the tree on my bday. So I'm feeling pretty fortunate and grateful today. Thank you everyone!

So listen, about that eggnog martini. You need to make it. It's out of control yummy and so easy to make. Here's the recipe:

-1 oz EACH of Vodka, Eggnog & Amaretto.

Shake in a martini shaker with a bit of ice and pour into a martini glass. If you want to get really fancy you can rim the glass with crushed graham crackers, but I didn't roll that way. What I did do was pop a stick of cinammon into the glass once the 'tini was poured. I may or may not have used the stick as a straw when it was time for 'tini number two....You can use whatever kind of eggnog you want- I went with fat free eggnog (is that an oxymoron?) but I wouldn't normally recommend anything fat free. Because if it's fat free it's full of chemicals usually. But for one night I thought it wouldn't be the end of the world. Enjoy!

Anyway I gotta run so I'm out for now. I'll post something more interesting and pithy in the not to distant future hopefully...

Enjoy your day!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Chicken, We Need to Talk

S'up Yo!
How's everyone making out today? Things are good out here, the last few days have been quite productive & busy. Friday night I set the goal of getting down to bidness, and getting the majority of my Christmas shopping done. I set a plan, and executed it to a T, in cahoots with my fellow power-shopper E.M. We shopped like we were waging war. 3 hours, a handful of stores, mayjah power walking, pouring rain, and we gotterdone. I was exhausted by the end of it! But I know one little girl who is gonna SQUEAL when she sees a Barbie van on Christmas morning....

Anyway, as we all know, you gotta fuel up for shopping, right? Well the eats were super-clean all day Friday, I was feeling good. We got out to the shopping place and decided to sup at the Swiss Pigeon (aka Swiss Chalet), with all it's chickeny-frenchfryee-saucy goodness. I eat there MAYBE once every year or two. I was looking forward to it. I ate that chicken, sauce & french fries like it was my job, it didn't stand a chance. But by the next day, I was ready to quit that job on the spot. Why did I eat that chicken? Why in God's name is it so frickin' MOIST?! Ugggh... I was not feeling the love let me tell ya. It's kinda like those rotisserie chickens you can get at the Cottage, they're like, all yummy when you're eating it, and afterwards you feel like you've had a paraffin wax treatment on your hands they're so oily and, er, moisturized.

This was all exacerbated by a conversation between me and the lovely E.M. about a novelty chicken product she had seen in a flyer (and to her credit, would NEVER buy, much less eat as she is a chef extraordinaire and Natural Food Champion). Ok are you ready for this? Here is the 'product' in question (note that I don't use the word 'food').

Chicken. Shaped like a slice of bread. That you put in your toaster to 'cook'. And then people eat it.

WTF?! If I could make the caps any larger they would be. I am gobsmacked and appalled by this idea. IT'S AGAINST NATURE. And to top it off, I feel like everywhere I go, all I see are billboards by McSpew with a picture of chicken nuggets and the tag line: "Seasons Dippings". I ralph.

Anyway, I know it's not poor Chicken's fault. Not at all; this is a waaayyyy bigger conversation that involves factory food and hormones in animals and that kinda stuff. Not gonna go into it here. But needless to say, Chicken and I are going to go on a 'break'. And let me be clear; the break from the white meat has nothing to do with guilt or worrying about calories or whatever. Seriously. I'm just kind of over it as far as the bird goes. I still eat meat, or whatever else I feel like. It's just right now, I don't really feel like eating too much chicken.

So with that said, what's on the MENOO this week? I'm thinking:
-Veggie Thai Green Curry & fresh salad rolls
-Basil & Spinach Pesto with Soba noodles( I seriously need to use this basil before it goes bad)
-Vegetable Shepherd's Pie, Halloumi-Spinach Salad
-Omellettes, Herbed Roasted Potatoes, Steamed Veg
-Indian Feast!

You guys got anything yummy on the go that you want to share? I'd love to toss it up a bit so if you have something yumptious then let me know!

There may or may not be an Eggnog Martini making an appearance this Friday when we get our tree and decorate it. Just sayin. Anyone got a good recipe for one? When the Bean was wee, she tasted Eggnog in her sippy cup, she must have been almost 2. (Don't worry, I went easy on the spiced rum.) But she loved it. She called it Eggymuck, because her pronunciation wasn't fully developed, and when she wanted regular milk she would ask for her Muck in a cup.....The Eggymucktini. Sounds so, exotic/weird. But I think it'll be good....

In other news, highly entertaining session at the gym the other day in the cardio section. It was like gym karaoke. A lady on an elliptical adjacent to me had her headphones in, and proceeded to start singing at the top of her lungs. I don't know if she knew she was doing it. At first it was kinda weird, but then I started to enjoy it. She was sweating, moving, had a smile on her face, and was obviously enjoying herself while being active. I'm down with that.

Anyhoo, I got some things to take care of so I'm out for now. You guys have a great day, talk at ya later!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to Cure a Man Cold

Ok my Lady Readers, Listen Up!

This is seriously hush-hush. If a man reads this post there's a chance my blog page could suspiciously dissapear, the information contained within is SO secret. But here it is:

I have discovered the CURE for the common MAN COLD. You know what I'm talking about, if you have a boyfriend,husband,father, son, brother, or male co-worker. They get a little sick, a little sniffle, a sore throat, whatever. And suddenly, it's as though they've contracted the Bubonic Plague. Couch-bound, breathing heavily through their mouths only, in need of constant pity, asking for cinammon toast with the crusts trimmed off and cut into triangles, too sick to eat supper at the table with you but not sick enough to nurse a beer in front of the hockey game. Ahhhh the Man Cold. Very serious. Not as serious as a Man Flu, but borderline.

So anyway, it appeared as though the cold virus has the ability to jump genders. I am not even kidding. I know this because yesterday I started to feel the effects of said condition myself. Yes, yours truly began to suffer from a Man Cold, starting as soon as I woke up. I knew that's what it was when I started sniffling, breathing only through my mouth, I whined at the Bean to pass me the tv remote, didn't have the energy to excercise and I started rummaging in the cupboards for brown sugar and cinammon to go on toast....And with only a 5 year old to nurse me back to wellness (Brad being out of town) I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and beat this thing. So, I snapped out of it, and devised a serious plan of attack in an effort to defy the enemy. And it totally worked, as this morning I woke up feeling like a million bucks, and proceeded to demolish the weightroom with renewed vigor, run errands like a maniac for the rest of the day, and I'm still going strong. Ready for the recipe?

Here it is. Consume the following in the order listed STAT, as symptoms present:

-1 packet EmergenC upon waking, followed by one extra glass of water
-4 Litres of Smart Water, consumed throughout the day
-1 Litre green juice (make yourself, go to Pete's Juice Bar, or buy some at the grocery store), with WHEATGRASS & CHLORELLA added to it
-Fresh fruits, raw veggies, seed crackers & goat cheese (this part must have been the clincher, I'm sure) for lunch
-Energy Bar for a snack (see preceding post's recipe)
-Ezekiel Wrap with sliced turkey, low fat cheddar, and spicy salsa for supper
-1 Extra Strength Neo Citran post supper
-1 cup chamomile-lavender tea before bed
-Bedtime at 8pm at the LATEST.

I swear it works. In fact I am SO sure of this cure, that I anticipate a Nobel Prize for Medicine in the mail poste-haste. I wanted to share this valuable information with you as soon as I could. Keep it on the DownLow though ok?

Good Luck My Sisters! Be Strong! Man Cold season is upon us, so be prepared!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekend Retox & Protein Bars

Allo Bonjour!

How's your week getting started- good I hope? I'm doing good, after Retoxing (as opposed to De-toxing) all weekend, I am glad to be starting the week off on a positive note. I had one of those weekends where, if it wasn't nailed down, it was going into the Olde Pie Hole, let me tell ya. You ever have that kind of day/weekend/week/life? No? Well bully for you, wish I could say the same for myself....From time to time it's liberating to just relax and eat whatever you want. Although with that said, I know for me, it makes me feel like crap physically and emotionally. And they say that food doesn't affect how you feel- what a load!

So I resolved to get back on track starting immediatement; a monster green juice helped this morning, followed by a home-made protein bar after training a client this morning. The recipe will follow! The slow cooker has a lovely veggie chili bubbling away inside, and I plan to have a large plate of crudite and PC Edamame Dip for lunch...I feel better already!

Aside from eating like a little piggie all weekend, we did have a good one. Yesterday the three of us attended Mama Mia, courtesy of my incredibly thoughtful Mother in Law. And Brad grinned and beared it- I think he enjoyed it more than he let on. Never mind about quiche- Real Men Listen to Abba I say!

Hey so you like my pic? This is me on Thursday night attending a fancy shmancy work function with Brad. And apparently, I was doing my best to impersonate a politician or Barbara Bush. Huh. Whatever. It'll do for now til hopefully Santa brings me a better camera and I can start doing more in the photo department....

Speaking of Christmas, tis the Season eh! And I don't mean like we already have our tree or lights up- at least not for a few more weeks. Tis the Season to PLAY THE SANTA CARD! Woohoo! If any of you have kids you may already employ this tactic to ensure good behaviour with your kids. Or maybe you don't...but I do! I play that card like I'm in a life or death game of Poker, fo sho. Bring it on! Santa is watching! He's like a Festive Big Brother who is all-seeing. I love it! His omnipresent self gets us one step closer to the All Seeing Easter Bunny...he's twitching his little pink nose and watching YOU with his beady red eyes, muah haha!

Ok enough shenanigans, let's talk about snacks. Here is a recipe for Protein Bars (all natural, and Raw) that I think are delish. You need at least 4 minutes to make them ok? So be ready.

-1/4 cup coconul oil
-1 1/2 cup old fashioned oats
-1 mashed ripe banana
-1/2 cup shredded coconut (I prefer unsweetened, but fill your boots with the sweetened if you like)
-1/2 cup chocolate chip (I use this measurement loosely, as I belong to the 'no measure' school of baking with chocolate chips)
-1/2 cup maple syrup
-1/2 cup all natural peanut or almond butter
-2-4 scoops of your favorite protein powder
-2 TBS Chia or Salba seeds
-1 tsp vanilla extract

- Blend or stir coconut butter with banana till well combined. Don't worry about coconut butter lumps, I swear you won't taste them in the bars. But if they freak you out, use a hand mixer to break them up.
- Add all other ingredients and stir until well combined. If the mixture is super dry, add a splash (not too much!) water to moisten a bit.
- Take a small square brownie pan and line with wax paper. Then spoon the batter in and level it out. Wrap plastic wrap over top, then pop in the freezer for about an hour, till getting quite firm (but not totally frozen).
- Remove from freezer, pop the whole thing out of the pan, and cut into bars. Store in a tupperware container in the freezer, and let thaw for 5 minutes before eating.

Nutritional Info:
- I have no idea!? But they are tasty, and you can easily fiddle around with the ingredients to modify. For example, take out the chocolate chips (yes, i did just say that), and add raisins and cinammon, little chunks of apple. Or add goji berries, or whatever. It'll be yummy, I promise. I think these are a great snack anytime, and are great after excercise. After you workout, you have about 45 minutes to get something into ya that is a good mix of protein and carbs. Otherwise your muscles will turn to whatever is on hand (e.g. themselves) to feed themselves and rebuild. Don't waste all your hard work- eat something healthy stat after excercising, mkay?

So the rest of the day is going to be busy, with errands and running around, not to mention the rest of my cardio workout- mountain climbing. The fearsome Mt Laundry must be conquered. I may require oxygen and a sherpa but I will persevere and summit to the end....wish me luck....

Have a great day yo!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Carbs Are Not The Enemy! And an Enchilada Recipe...

I had hoped to post this earlier in the day but unfortch time got away from me, so here I am with a dinner recipe, kinda late in the day. Maybe you can make it another time this week if it sounds yummy to you- Veggie Enchiladas Melissa Style. I don't know what it is, but now that it's snowed, and gotten colder, I dream of hot, savoury comfort food that has a modicum of health. And that reminds me of hot sunny places, like Mexico. So the recipe itself probably isn't very authentically Mexican, but whatever, they taste good to us!

Thing are good around here. I spent some quality time at the Cottage on Friday afternoon doing some groceries, among four billion other errands the last few days. I had a nice compliment (I think) at the grocery store though. My cart was LOADED with stuph, as we were down to the bare minimum food wise. So I wheel up to the checkout with all kinds of goodies, and when it was all said and done, the checkout lady said: "Wow, I think this is probably the healthiest order I've ever put through!" And no, I did not elect to tell her about the burger the size of my head, on a glorious fluffy white bun, that awaited me on Saturday night, ahem.

It was interesting because after she said that she went on to lament that her own diet felt like it was lacking because "all I eat is carbs". I've said it before: I am NO dietician. But I responded that as she could see, the majority of what I eat is carbs too. Maybe a different kind...I'm not mowing down on chips and milk chocolate (or burgers) every day for sure, though I do have what the Bean refers to as A Salt Tooth, A Sweet Tooth, A Grease Tooth, and all kinds of other teeth- I'm a regular person. But the point is: Carbs are not the Enemy! Don't believe the hype! Potatoes and bananas are our friends! You need them to be strong and healthy and happy. Your brain won't work properly if you don't get carbs, and your muscles need them for energy. Low Carb Diets, like Atkins are for suckas. It really is, and don't let anyone tell you different. (Of course, if your doc indicates that you should have some kind of specific diet then that's another thing...I'm directing this to the rest of us who just want to be fit/healthy.) The key is moderation, of course. Don't eat white potatoes twice a day every day, that's ridiculous. But enjoy all kinds of healthy carbs- veggies, fruit, legumes, brown rice, quinoa, whole grains, that kind of thing.

I think the reason I felt like I had received a compliment is because I am that dorky person who is totally mortified if I 'need' to buy anything unhealthy, I worry that someone I know might see me at the store, peer into my cart with a look of disdain on their face. I'm no health food martyr, believe me, but most of the time we eat pretty well. I guess I'm a grocery snob...I feel like I have to explain myself to the checkout lady if I have to buy a frozen lasagna once in a blue moon (those are gross btw) for my husband if I'm going out of town or something...

So how did you guys make out the last week? Am I the only one who feels the need to go incognito when buying junk at the grocery store?

So speaking of carbs, veggies, and legumes, let's get down to bidness a'ight? Like I said, I realize this probably isn't a particularly authentic recipe, but it works at my house, and is pretty healthy I think. Here goes:

-6 Large Tortillas ( I prefer Ezekiel Wraps bc they are hearty, nutritious, and stand up well in the sauce, but you can use whatever you like)
- 1 TBS Olive Oil or Coconut Oil for sauteeing
-1 can EACH of black beans & kidney beans, drained and rinsed
-1 large onion, diced
-1-2 TBS minced garlic
-1 tsp ground cumin, 1 TBS chili powder
-Veggie Stock or Water
-Salt & pepper to taste
-1 small zuchini, diced small
-1/2 sweet red pepper, diced small
-Baby Spinach, washed
-Chopped Black or Green Olives & Sliced pickled Jalapenos (both optional)
-1-2 cups grated cheese of your choice (cheddar, mozza, jack all work well, quantity is up to you based on your Cheese Tooth)
-1 can of prepared Enchilada Sauce, mild or hot.

-In a large saucepan or frying pan, heat the oil over medium/high heat. When ready, add onions & garlic, sautee until translucent. Add cumin & chili powder and give a stir to release the flavour. When it smells nice and fragrant (should just be a few seconds), add the beans. Use a potato masher or the back of a wooden spoon to mash the beans up- but not to a pulp, you want some texture. Add a bit of water or stock (about 3/4 of a cup) to make it saucy, and reduce the heat to medium. Keep stirring the mixture until the bean mixture reduces down into more of a pasty consistency as opposed to soupey. Remove from heat and set aside.
-Lightly oil a rectangular casserole dish (like a lasagna pan) and preheat oven to 375.
-Take 1 wrap and spread about 1/4 cup of spinach in bottom. Top with 1/4 cup (or more) of bean mixture. Sprinkle with diced zuke & red pepper (portion it out so you hae enough for all 6 wraps). Then, fold edges of the wrap over, like a tube with the beans & veggies inside. Lay seam side down in the dish, and repeat with all other wraps, beans & veggies.
-The enchiladas should be lined up side by side in the dish, touching one another, nice and snug. Pour the enchilada sauce over everything to coat it, spread it around with a spatula if need be.
-Top with grated cheese, olives & jalapenos if using. Cover with foil and bake for 1/2 hr, till hot and fragrant. Then remove the foil and broil for a bit to get the cheese all golden & bubbly.
-You might want to let it sit for just a little while, then dig in. This is yummy served with chopped cilantro, sour cream and salsa.

At mi casa if anyone tries to get between me and the crunchy corner bits where the cheese melts over into the dish, they're liable to lose a finger. Not even kidding.

Let me know what you think!

Ok, I gotta run for now. I truly hope to post some more in the next week but things are a bit crazy right now so I'll have to play it by ear. I have a wicked recipe for homemade protein bars that will knock your socks off, so if I can I will do my best to put it up!

Hope everyone is well, stay safe on those icy roads out there, yikes...

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Run Like A Crazy Fool

Alright People, the Spectacle is over! Nothin' to see here!

Yes, I have just returned from my Own Personal Spectacle, in other words, my first 'run' in over 6 months. It ain't pretty. A runner I am not, I'll be honest; I affectionately refer to my runs more as a 'stagger' up and down the road, it's so slow and uncoordinated. Give me a dumbell, ask me to do pushups and I'm good to go- but lacing up a pair of sneaks and heading out on the open road is at worst, very difficult for me, and at best, the half hour comedy show. Remember how ridiculous Phoebe looked on Friends when she ran? Picture that and you'll have a glimpse into my running style.

Running where I live, in a rural area, is an adventure to be sure. There's the road kill- dodging that makes my run feel like an obstacle course, which is fun. And there are the vehicles- many of which give me a wide berth, others, not so much. The 'honkers' and 'oglers', love those guys, they're the best. Specially the guy who drives the filthy Honey Wagon (septic truck) who honks when he goes past. Wish he'd just pull over so I could get his number for a date, he's so awesome. One time last year when I was staggering- I mean running- along the road, I ran up behind a half drunken country boy, swaggering down the road with no shirt on, and when I passed him he leered: "Awww come on, yew kin run faster n nat"....Yes, like I say, it's always an adventure and a sight to behold when I run. Not quite as funny as when I attempt to do Zumba-type aerobics classes (need I elaborate on the 'Strip Tease Aerobics' Fiasco of 2007?! I think not.) My body just doesn't move in that way, unfortunately. Though I do envy the legions of people who swear by Zumba, it looks like a great workout and a lot of fun. It's just not for me. Ah, but I digress....

So how do I REALLY feel about running?! Well, even though it's not my forte, I try to do it sometimes because it's a physical challenge. I feel good for trying it once it's all done, like proud of myself somehow. And I know it's good for us in a cardiovascular sense. A friend recently asked me how I run, what is my technique. Well, first I put my sneakers on. Then I go out the door and walk for a few minutes to warmup, then I start running and I don't stop until I get home. Usually about 5-6km, maybe 8 km max once I work up to it. I'll probably never do a 1/2 marathon, and I'm fine with that. So there's my technique. The Beastie Boys & Green Day on my Ipod help me to keep moving. I come home and stretch, drink water, have a snack. If it's sunny on Friday I may try it again. Get your tickets now for the 1/2 hr comedy show...

We had a great weekend around here, the sun was shining and it was gorgeous out. Lots of family time, two large workouts at the gym and lots of good food. Last night I made an impromptu Harvest Bake for dindin that turned out pretty good. The Bean gulped it down in about 5 bites, so it must have been a hit. Here's what I used:
- 1 Butternut Squash, peeled and cut into 2 inch chunks
- 1.5 cup Baby Cut Carrots, rinsed
- 2 Large Parsnips, peeled and cut into baby-carrot-sized pieces
- 1 medium onion, chopped, & 1 shallot, chopped
- 2 cups of stale flax bread, cut into large crouton-sized pieces
- Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Cracked Pepper, Minced Garlic & 1 heaping tsp dried thyme leaves (not powdered)
- A few glugs of Organic Vegetable Stock
- Aged White Cheddar- you decide how much cheese you like, I don't want to mention how much I used in case you get weirded out by how much cheese I eat.

- In a large bowl, toss the squash pieces, carrots & parsnips with a few glugs of Olive Oil, salt & pepper & garlic to taste. Spread on a cookie sheet and roast at 425, for about 35 minutes. Halfway through, give them a shake so they brown and carmelize on all sides.
-While those veggies are roasting, heat a TBS of olive oil in a saucepan and sautee the onion & shallot until translucent, adding the thyme towards the end to release the flavour.
-When the root veggies are done roasting, toss them back into the bowl with the onion mixture, and add the croutons. Stir to coat, and add a few glugs of the stock to moisten it up a bit- but not enough to make it soggy.
-Spread it all in a greased casserole dish and top with cheese. Cover with foil and bake in the oven at 375 for about 20 minutes, then remove the foil. Broil for a little while longer until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Remove, let cool for a few minutes and dig in. It's kinda like stuffing. Without all the other stuff. We thought it was yummy....Served with a nice green/spinach salad and you'd be all set. We're having the rest of it tonight around here with said salad to go along with it.

So what else is on the go? Busy busy round these parts, prior to the stagger this a.m. I trained a client, and will do so again later in the week. I'm planning to do an advertising run tomorrow after the gym and bring my flyers to various locations around town to see about picking up a couple more clients, so that should be good. Aside from the usual minutae of everday life I'd like to come up with a few more recipes to post, so I'll work on that too.

What about you guys? Anyone else running like a crazy fool this week? Any tips on running? Or motivating music? Am I the only person who can't Zumba? Oh, and I won't dare tell you exactly how far & fast I ran. For two reasons. Number 1: it doesn't matter. We all gotta go at our own pace, it's not a competition. Just get moving. And Number 2: I don't want to lose my street cred as a fit person by admitting my snail-like pace. Admittedly, I am vain in this regard.

So I'm out for now, hope your week is off to a great start! See you again soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

While My Spandex Lightly Slept

Happy Monday Everyone!
NO really, Happy Monday!

So far this day is going great at my end, I got to start my day with something that's been missing for the last 7 days. I didn't want to mention it before, after all my grand statements about trying to go Vegan for a week, and we all know how that ended up....me being Vegan for 8 hours and then totally falling off the wagon.

But I made a decision last week that I needed to take a real break from excercise, particularly the weightroom. The decision caused me some anxiety, only because the gym is such an integral part of my life. I'm not talking about stressing about calories or energy expended, or gaining weight or anything like that. But, I drink coffee every day, I brush my teeth, I eat cheese, I drink wheatgrass, and....I excercise about 6 days a week. It's not a compulsion, it's a passion for me. I love the way excercise makes me feel while I'm doing it, and how it sets the tone for my day. With all of that said, I was starting to feel like it was time for a break. The week before, after my workouts, I wasn't feeling energized, I was feeling tired. I wasn't feeling motivated at all, I was irritable when I was there, and basically I just wasn't feeling the love. This isn't my normal state as far as the gym is concerned...so I knew that the time had come to take a full-on break. And I did it. Probably sounds lame, but it was a challenge for me.

The first few days off were fine, no problemo. By day 4 I was starting to feel like a junkie in need of a fix. I hungrily eyed dumbells in Walmart. I sighed as I passed fitness clothing stores. I didn't even walk past the gym, it would have been too much. I heard some of the songs on my Ipod that I listen to during workouts and I felt nostalgic. Yes, I am a dork. And so, as my Luon and Spandex gently slept for the week, I ate the way I usually do (like a piglet), rested, and within days my energy came back and I started feeling like my old self again. I burst into the gym this morning with more energy than I left with and killed a shoulder, ab & short cardio workout, with a smile on my face I was so happy! Even the guy who appeared to be trying to take an upper body shower in the water fountain (don't even ask) brought a smile to my face instead of running to the locker room for a good dousing of Purel. Ahhh. It's good to be back!

Our weekend was a busy and social one, with lots of rain (yuck), but lots of family time and hanging with friends (yahoo!). My friend JH made us an extraordinary, life changing Grilled Halloumi Salad with Caper-Lime Vinnaigrette. I must resolve to eat more Halloumi, there's nothing like it...salty, firm, squeaky, almost like the meat of the cheese world due to it's unique texture, it's gorgeous in a sandwich too. And now the Superstore carries it, so Halloumi For Everyone! Shall I post a version of the salad? Anyone innerested???

Speaking of food, this week's menu is all about the yummy:
-Cashew-Basil Pesto on Soba Noodles, topped with cherry tomatoes
-Kale & Brown Rice Gratin
-Spelt Pizza with Grilled Veg & Goat Cheese (and Hawaiian for the Bean and Brad)
-Stuffed Peppers
-Azuki Beans with Squash, Kombu & a side of Quinoa
- I think this is quite enough! There'll be leftovers to carry us through to the weekend...

The rest of the day today will involve experimenting with a Chocolate Coconut Flour Cake recipe (I'll let ya know), picking up my Sweetie Pie from school, setting client appointments, and a trip to Costco & Hell on Earth (Walmart) for some Personal Training supplies. I'm sure after all that, the pesto & pasta and a glass of Banrock Station Shiraz will be required.

How's your week looking so far? At least it's not a full week right? I hope you all have Thursday off too?

And now I must Away To The Kitchen, coconut and chocolate are calling my name....
Have a great one!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Egg on my Face

Good Morning My Friends!
Well it is with a great deal of egg on my face that I am writing to you today. Or to be precise, parmesan cheese on my face. My sister-in-law emailed this morning to get an update on my personal Vegan Week challenge...and er....well, I have to be honest, it's not going great. I was doing fine all day yesterday; green juice for brekkie, Sun Warrior smoothie post-workout, and a huge delicious sandwich of toasted organic rye bread, sliced artichokes, spinach, vegan mayo & sprouts. No worries. Then suppertime rolled around and it was game over. Brown rice pilaf with peas, steamed brocoli w/ Earth Balance and roasted baby brussel sprouts. I couldn't resist at the end and topped those sprouts with parmesan cheese. Okay? There, I said it. I just couldn't bring myself to eat the 'vegan parm topping' I had purchased earlier in the day. One taste of that vile sawdust-like stuff and I just about yakked. Although with that said the parm topping was NOTHING compared to the soy cheddar 'cheese' brick I bought over the weekend. The Bean and I sampled it as soon as we got home and then it went into the compost almost as quickly. It was soy disgusting. Imagine what orange silly putty might taste like and you'll be close. Yuck.

So here I am, feeling like a goof, I was all geared up to try to be vegan for a week and I couldn't even last a day. It is what it is, and I'm not going to stress about it. Why did I even want to give up le fromage in the first place? I am lucky that I don't need to, so why deny myself. Denying stresses me out. So if you have been successful with the veganism, I applaud you! And if you're like me and couldn't hack it, well whatevah. Let's move on!

We had the best Halloween ever this year. Earlier in the week I had discussed with the Bean the notion of a replay of last year's Halloween, where we did some trick or treating but then I 'bought' her candy from her. She got to pick a couple of pieces of candy that she really wanted and then the rest of it went into the garbage, and in exchange she had a few bucks to buy herself a toy. She was on board with the idea again this year, which was great. Needless to say it was terribly cold and rainy on Sunday night so instead, the three of us went shopping with her money and she bought herself a toy, and we also picked up a few board games. So rather than trudging through the rain for an hour or two we cozied up by the fire and played KerPlunk and Mouse Trap for a few hours...it was the best! No sugar-shock for the little one, no cranky aftereffects, and we had a wonderful time together. We all win!

But the weekend wasn't completely without treats. I found a double chocolate chip cookie recipe (Raw) and tweaked it a bit, the cookies were decadent and glorious. If you don't have a dehydrator you can make them in your oven- just put it on it's lowest setting and while the cookies are inside, crack the door of the oven so it doesn't get too hot. Here's the recipe:

-1 cup pureed zuchini
-1/3 cup Agave (or Maple Syrup, adjust quantity to your sweet tooth)
-1/2 cup Coconut Butter
-1 cup Ground Flax Meal
-1.5 cups Old Fashioned Dry Oats
-1/2 cup Cocoa Powder
-1/2 cup chocolate chips (I belong to the 'More is More' school of chocolate chips, so add more if you like, I always do)

Mix together the pureed zuke, agave & coconut butter in a food processor or with beaters. In a separate bowl, mix together the oats, flax meal, cocoa. Combine wet and dry ingredients & add chocolate chips. Spoon heaping tablespoons of cookie dough onto parchment-lined cookie sheets or dehydrator trays. I dehydrated the cookies for a few hours at about 105 degrees. For an oven I would leave them in the oven at the lowest setting for 2-3 hrs with the door ajar. Depends on how moist you want them, so just check on them. These are really chocolatey and satisfying. And healthy, so enjoy!

So what's on the go the rest of the week? Here's the menu:
-Brown Rice Pilaf with Brocoli & Roasted Brussels (last night)
-Southwestern Corn & Black Bean Quinoa
-Brocoli-Cashew Stirfry, Sesame spinach, Cucumber salad
-Dirty Rice & Beans (possibly with Turkey Sausage for the Bean and Brad, sans saucisson pour moi)
-Cauliflower,Chickpea & Tomato Curry

Anyone ever bake with Coconut Flour? Whattaya make? I bought some at the Bulk Barn this weekend and am looking forward to trying it out. If you have something yummy to share I'd love to hear it!

Ok well I gotta run for now, many errands to take care of so I'm out. Thanks for letting me admit my defeat, hope you don't think any less of me. You ever say you were going to do something and then just couldn't?


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who's With Me?!

Hello There!
How are you doing now?

As I type this I can barely move my arms after a wicked bicep, tricep & shoulder workout this morning that involved 'drop sets'. Ooff. By this evening I anticipate that I'll have to lower my face to my toothbrush on the counter to clean my teeth, as raising my arms may not be possible. Nice, eh?

Ok, so as you may or may not know, November 1st is World Vegan Day. DON'T STOP READING! PLEASE!

There was a time in the not-so-distant past where I would have stopped reading now too, trust me. If you asked anyone who's known me for more than a year, they would regale you with tales of what a carni-snob I once was. I had only the greatest disdain for Vegans and even a lot of vegetarians. I used to argue that "humans have those two pointy teeth (canines?) for a reason- to eat animals! It's part of our genetic makeup!" I clearly remember celebrating over rare steak when a close friend of mine 'came out of' vegetarianism, applauding her return to the fold. I'm not proud of that at all. But I guess I was coming from a place of misinformation about a lot of things, including what healthful eating really is and as well, I believe that I was part of the Cult of Animal Protein that I think our society is.

Let me be really clear: I am not a vegan or really even a vegetarian. I have no problem with people eating meat (to that end I WILL be making meatballs this afternoon for The Bean & Brad's spaghetti tonight). And I still eat animal protein whenever I want- even a good burger, steak, not to mention my cheese addiction- it's just that these days I don't feel like I want to all that often ('cept for the cheese, that's every day). It is my personal belief that we may not need to eat as much meat as we're being led to believe. I went from eating meat 5-6 nights a week- plus eggs for breakfast and usually something meaty for lunch too a year ago, to now eating meat maybe once a week or every two weeks. And I've never felt better in my life.

When I stopped eating meat every single day and taking in tons of cow's milk dairy, remarkable things happened. I lost a few pounds (and believe me, I wasn't trying because I was already at a healthy weight & body fat percentage, and still am now) my skin became clearer, I started sleeping better, I started having enough energy to qualify as a Bionic-Mom and the best part was that I stopped feeling so 'puffy'. My abdomen is flatter & tighter and my muscle definition all-over is better than ever.

I became interested in vegetarianism/veganism last year when I started reading up on it, as well as the raw-living food movement. Again, I don't eat Raw all the time, not at all. But there's a fair bit of uncooked veg in my life too. The benefits that I listed above from my own experience were reiterated time and again in all the literature that I came across. Lo and behold, those 'veggie granola tree huggers' (as I so diplomatically used to call them) were right! I've learned that you can get all KINDS of protein from plants- and nuts, and seeds, vegan protein powders, you name it. I'm no expert, obviously. I'm just sayin. It made sense to me and it's working out pretty good. I'm always trying to find my way with good health and I certainly don't think I've found the solution for everyone, because I do think that different things work for different folks. Furthermore, trying to completely change the way you eat overnight is a recipe for disaster and dangerous. But baby-steps- we started eating vegetarian a night or two a week and found that there is plenty of yummy food you can make that doesn't involve sausage, which I once considered as integral an ingredient as garlic, salt or pepper. And I promise- it's not all tofu & tvp and soy yoghurt at Camp Veg either. Even going veg for a day or part of the day each week will have a positive effect on how you feel.

People get into vegetarianism & veganism for a variety of different reasons, and I don't pass judgement on what those reasons are. For me, it was less about animal welfare (dont' judge!) and more about wanting to feel healthier & stronger.

Most importantly, check with a doctor, naturopath or nutritionist if you're thinking of making this kind of transition. Just eating veggies does not a healthy vegetarian make, okay? Seriously. I've checked in regularly with my doc & naturopath with a full dietary journal myself to make sure my family and I were on the right track with this stuff. You don't wanna get all anemic or something worse.

So there you have it. I've changed in a lot of ways over the last few years, not least of which the way I eat. Heck, I used to smoke cigarettes like it was my job. Charming, right? And now I'm a personal trainer and reformed carni-snob.

SOOOOO, with my diatribe over, here's what I wanted to say: I am going to give this vegan thing a go for a day, a few days, maybe even a week when World Vegan Day kicks off on November 1. I have a real problem with will-power, I admit it. So I'm gonna eat all the cheese in the house before the Big Day and see if I can stick with it for a day or more. Just a personal challenge to see if I can do it.

Who's with me?! Any takers? Can we build a cheese support group?

Oh, and congratulations if you've read this whole post. I hear I need to 'edit' myself but that's a bit of an issue when I get on my favorite topics of food & excercise, what can I say. Speaking of favorite topics, tonight's vino of choice, to accompany my primavera & spiralized zuke noodles will be one of my all time faves- THE LACKEY Shiraz. NSLC now carries it, it's the bomb. Git yerself some if you like a big, meaty red wine. No pun intended.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Planning a Weekly Menu

Sorry Everyone, this was SUPPOSED to go up last night but I was having computer troubles so had to delay until now....

Yo Yo!
What a day today! Thank you to Fabia, the Evil, Evil Fabia, for her insane spin class this morning...that girl is a MACHINE. And she makes you love the pain, let me tell ya. I'm going to be in rough shape tomorrow, but I love it! The Bean rounded out her weekend with a second birthday party today after one yesterday and is now in a princess cake coma on the couch. She gets treats at home, don't get me wrong. But for the most part they're pretty healthy (raw organic macaroons, chocolate almond milk, coconut butter fudge, etc). So you get a little cake, cheezies & fruit punch into her and it's game ovah. Yikes. Oh well, a little unhealthy stuff every once in a while is fine as far as I'm concerned- the Middle Path, people. I believe in taking the Middle Path, most things in moderation. I've been known to put away some junk from time to time too, trust me...

With that said, what I wanted to talk about today was how to plan a weekly menu so that the temptation to eat crap when you get home from work (and time is short)is reduced. Yes, I AM one of those people who has learned to plan things out in advance so that there's no guesswork when it's time to start making supper. I was inspired by my friend A.H. to start with this idea...so I totally copied her and hauled out a little chalkboard that I had, and every weekend I plan for the week ahead, and doodle the menu on the chalkboard in the kitchen. That way we all know what's on the agenda. I may not stick to it 100% of the time, especially if I get a hankering for takeout Thai Food from Thai Ivory in Bedford (highly recommended!)...but for the most part I like knowing what's going on and not stressing about healthy meals. Here's what I have on the go for the next few days.

1. Roasted Veggies with Balsamic Dressing & Goat Cheese, Brown Rice
2. Soba Noodles w/ Meatballs & Tomato Sauce for The Bean and the Young Fella, Spiralized Zukes & Carrots with Primavera Sauce for meself (google 'Benriner Spiralizer', transform your life with this gadget)
3. Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoes w/ Kale Salad
4. Black Bean & Brown Rice Burgers, Oven Fries
5. Leftovaaaahhhhhs. A week of large meals means a real buffet of yummy things to choose from for sure.

Weekends are a bit of a wildcard. More time on weekends means that I can indulge and take more time to make fancier stuph, maybe a little West African Poulet Yassa? Moroccan-inspired veggie phylo rolls from 'Eat, Drink & Be Vegan? We'll see....In the meantime, a lot of the time what I make on one night can be used for another night. Take brown rice for example- you serve it steamed one night, and the next you can use the leftovers for a yummy fried rice and veg dish (never use freshly cooked rice for fried rice, leftover rice is drier and works better), or use the rice to make black bean & rice burgers, topped with the cheese of your choice, salsa & cilantro. Or a bit of primavera sauce- either home-made or a low sodium organic brand- can double as pizza sauce for a grilled veggie pizza on spelt crust. If you have a bit of time on the weekends, plan ahead and make your spaghetti sauce or veggie burgers or rice. It takes a few seconds to heat them up while the water boils for your noodles.

Whatever you choose to set as your menu, get your shopping done when you have the time- like the weekend. MAKE A LIST, then the likelihood of just grabbing whatever catches your eye at the cottage/grocery store is lower. I have been notorious for buying all kinds of stuff I don't need/want at the store if I don't have a list.

For me personally, it's important that my suppers are delicious, fairly healthy, and attractive- even if the other two don't care how the food looks, I do. I haven't had a Delicio Pizza or Fish Finger in forever...because I know I can do it better myself. I KNOW how lucky I am to not have a 9-5 or 7-9 with my darling in daycare after school, where getting home at 6 or later means rushing to get some food into the fam is part and parcel of the 'Witching Hour'. So I know I have a bit of luxury there....but even if that is your reality, there's the slow cooker, or a healthy casserole, or a stir fry, if you just consider a bit of planning in advance. If you have time to throw a frozen pizza in the oven, you have time to throw some fresh veggies drizzled with EVOO, balsamic, sea salt, pepper & garlic in the oven to roast...just because things sound fancy doesn't mean they are.

I hope this doesn't come across as condescending or anything, because that certainly isn't my intention. I'm just sharing what works for me, maybe you'll find it useful as well. Have a great day!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

OMG (Oh, My, Glutes) & Tex Mex Chicken

Well Hello There!
OMG, as in, Oh, My (achin') Glutes from my lower body & cardio workout this morning. Reading the new issue of Oxygen has reinvigorated me, especially as far as getting back into HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training. Ever heard of it? It's a great way to take the intensity of your cardio workout up, while saving time. So rather than slogging it out on the elliptical for 30-40 minutes (lame), you can accomplish more calorie & fat burning in a shorter period of time. It's not exactly for the beginner excerciser, but once you've established a decent cardio baseline, HIIT might be something to try. This morning I chose the stairclimber for my intervals- I warmed up for 5 minutes at level 5-6 for 5 minutes, then did 45 seconds of maximum effort (level 14 on the stairclimber, which is max) followed by 1.5 minutes of recovery at a slower pace of between 6-8. I repeated it 6 times then cooled down for a few minutes before ending the session. Judging from the fact that even my earlobes were sweating, I would say it was effective....As you know I'm a trainer, but I'm not your trainer. So I'm not giving you personal advice here, just saying what I did today. Always check with a health care practitioner before you get into any kind of excercise program, mmmkay?

Did anyone else get some excercise today or was it a rest day?

That kind of workout left me absolutely ravenous, so I planned ahead and brought my lunch with me to the gym so I can scarf it down asap. Ezekiel wrap filled with hummus, brocoli sprouts, spinach, cukes, red peppers & goat cheese. Three bites, gone. So good. Ezekiels are hearty and delicious, made from sprouted grains, super healthy. Also they do well when you make quesadillas...which is what I plan to have as an accompaniment to our Tex Mex slow cooker chicken on Sunday! Here's the recipe:

Tex Mex Chicken
-2-3 bnls skinless chicken breasts, halved
-1 cup dried, rinsed kidney beans
-1 large yellow onion, slice thinly
-2 large peppers (red or yellow or one of each), sliced
-1 jar of salsa (or about 1.5 cups of salsa)
-1 TBS flour
-salt & pepper
-1.5 cups of broth (veg or chicken)
-Sliced jarred jalapenos (optional)

Lightly spray your slow cooker with olive oil, so thing won't stick. In the bottom of the slow cooker, spread the dried beans and sprinkle with the flour. Layer the onions on top, followed by the chicken breast halves. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Top chicken with sliced peppers, then dump the salsa over it all. Add the broth,(and jalapenos, if you desire)then put the lid on the slow cooker, and cook on low for 6-8 hrs, checking occasionaly to stir it up and make sure the beans aren't sticking to the crock. The thing with skinless boneless chicken breasts is that they have a bit of a propensity to dry out in a slow cooker, so check it after 6 hrs and if it's ready, remove the chicken, shred with a fork, then place back in with the rest of the ingredients and stir it up. Alternatively, you could use bone in, but I don't usually choose to go that route. Serve shredded cheese, sour cream and chopped cilantro on the side. Brown rice or quesadillas go well with it!

Let me know how you make out with it. I'm a little new to writing recipes down as I am a notorious eye-baller when it comes to ingredient amounts, etc...so if you think something could have been done differently, I welcome your feedback!

Tonight I think we'll have some vegetarian peanut curry, quinoa & chutney...and my Magic 8ball says that the outlook is good that there will be Chardonnay involved too...yum!

Hope your weekend is going well!

Friday, October 22, 2010

No School = Shopping & Sushi! And Mexican Hummus

I am writing to you today from the murky depths of my sushi coma. Hope I make some sense because I'm feeling half-lobotomized from the lovely carb-y lunch I just had. There was no school today, so the original plan was to hit the gym with my little one- she loves the daycare there and practically grew up in it. But now that she goes to school, rarely gets to go anymore. Needless to say things did not go according to plan! Woke up in pain, verrrrry sore (in a good way though) from a week of pretty Large Workouts, and I haven't had a break in 6 days...so I thought maybe now would be a good day to listen to what my body was saying and just take a break. Done.

What better thing to do on a no-school, windy, rainy Nova Scotia day? Go shopping of course! The Bean has a full social calendar this weekend with 2 birthday parties, so we decided to take care of the presents (and a Bench hoodie for you know who- no comment on the fact that I may or may not be too old to be wearing Bench but guess what, Mama no care so there) and do some errand running to boot (quick trip to the Cottage/Superstore). I have to say, going out with my girl, listening to tunes on the way into the city (is there anything sweeter than a clear, high, pitch-perfect 5 year old voice singing over Pink's 'So What'? I think not), shopping, going out for lunch is pretty well my idea of a perfect day. And luckily for me, my daughter loves to eat as much as I do! I've been grooming her on sushi since day one, muah ha ha, my evil plan to have a perpetual lunch date partner has come together nicely. Although our most favorite sushi spot is closed -Minato Sushi, why you do this to me?!- we went to our second fave, Fujiyama, which I highly recommend. Unless you have claustrophobia, in which case I might recommend somewhere else as it might remind you of a coffin where they serve sushi. The restaurant is underground in an old excavated building basement, and the tables are arranged in nooks and crannies throughout- today The Bean and I were lucky enough to have our own private cave to eat in, it was awesome. This girl is so well behaved in restaurants, I am so fortunate...she's happy to sit and 'cheers' water glasses, chit chat about stuph. Not that hearing about which little boy at school picked his nose and ate it is the height of high communication, but whatever, it's conversation! We each mowed on miso soup, mixed tempura (like buttah, melted in our mouths), cucumber rolls and sweet-potato & avocado rolls...it was complete sushi debauchery and now I feel like I need a nap.....

Anyone else like sushi? What do you like to order, and where do you go for good Sushi? I could eat it almost every day, but I'll be honest, I'm not really into the eel, roe, and raw fish stuff. Tried it, it's not for me. I envy those of you who do care for it...

So what about some Mexican Hummus, ol(eh?) I'll be honest, this recipe is one I sort of stole and reworked from my friend E.M, who is a very talented home Chef. I love eating lunch at her house....

Get your food processor and fit it with the S blade. Then put in:
-1 can of drained, rinsed chick peas
-2-3 tsp minced garlic (less or more according to your taste)
-a few quick glugs of Olive Oil
-1/4 cup of your favorite tomato salsa
-1/2 tsp ground Cumin (or more, to your taste)
-1/4 tsp ground Chili powder
-a few splashes of fresh or bottled lime juice
-Salt & Pepper to taste
-1 TBS chopped jalapenos (the nacho kind you get in a can) This part optional, it gives it some zing so if you no likey too spicey just forget about it.

Blend er up till it looks like a red-tinged version of the hummus you always see. Taste it, and adjust spices as needed. Hope you like it.

Speaking of Mexi-type foods, I have another one for tomorrow that you may enjoy; Tex Mex Chicken in the slow cooker. Even though I'm not eating a ton of meat these days this recipe popped into my head the other day and I thought I'd haul it out bc it's so yummy. So dust off the slow cooker if you haven't already. I'll post the recipe tomorrow but for now I must go and digest and enjoy the afternoon with the little one...

Thank you for reading and for all of your positive support, it sure means a lot to me!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One. Hungry. Motha.

How are ya now?

I'm great! Just home from a wicked chest, back, ab & cardio workout and thought I would do a quick post before lunch. I woke up this morning as One Hungry Motha. Doesn't happen very often- I have my green juice and that keeps me going for my a.m. workout. But this morning I was a hungry beast, and I knew the juice wasn't going to cut it. I considered an egg with toast, goat cheese & salsa, but experience has taught me that for me, PERSONALLY, that kind of breakfast doesn't make my body happy before I excercise (though I know plenty of folks who thrive on a more substantial breakfast, it's just not usually for me).

Time was getting short before we had to head out the door, and I needed something quick & easy but filling, so I decided to have....a monster chocolate-banana-chia protein smoothie. And that's when things got crazy. When I added to the blender a chunk of my home-made coconut oil chocolate fudge. Holy decadent, delicious and healthy brekkie, it was awesome. Here's what I put into the blender:

-1 Banana
-1 scoop Sun Warrior Vanilla Protein powder (any protein powder would do)
-1 TBS Chia seeds
-1 cup chocolate Almond Milk (any chocolate or regular milk would be fine)
-1/2 tsp Maca powder
-2 little pucks of my favorite frozen wheatgrass juice
-1 ounce of coconut oil chocolate fudge

You could add a little water if it's too thick...blend and drink. Don't let it sit too long after you blend because the Chia seeds will thicken the smoothie into a pudding. Unless you want to eat it with a spoon. Yumptious, as The Bean would say.

If you're not on the Coconut Oil bandwagon yet, you should hop on. Check the article link at the bottom of the page to learn more...

My Mom loves to tell the stories about how when I was a baby, and started eating solid food, my parents had to literally feed me with 2 spoons going at once. Or I'd freak out. Guess I was a Hungry Motha back then too, seems very little has changed!

Now if you'll excuse me I must go and feast on a toasted potato-chive bread sandwich filled with hummus, spinach, goat cheese, cukes, and sprouts. Raar.

Think tomorrow I'll post a simple Mexican Hummus recipe that we have on hand almost all the time....Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is There Anybody Out There?


Is there anybody out there? No, this is not Roger Waters by the way....My first blog post, and I am drawing a complete blank! Must be stage fright. For someone who seems to have something to say all the time, I feel a bit weird. Ok, bear with me. I feel like I need to find my 'blog voice'. It'll come. Then I won't be able to shut up.

Today has so far been a great day! Up bright and early, a bit of quiet time with my almond-milk laced coffee before the rest of the house was awake, my favorite way to start the day. Made pancakes with organic berries for my little sweetie pie (The Bean, as I'll call her here, I don't know if I want everyone to know too much about her) and a massive Green Juice for myself. Wheatgrass, maca, chlorella, kale, chard, celery, cuke, lemon and the sweetest Honey Crisp Apple all went into the Breville, resulting in what I believe is crack for juice lovers. It gave me so much energy I felt like I could have run the 17 km to the gym, all with my daughter on my back. Yah! One little girl off to school and I made short work of that weightroom with a lower body & abs workout. Lower body is usually the stuff I hate to do, but right now it needs to be done since my lower body no matchy my upper body (booooo), so I cranked the Ipod up and powered through. I must have listened to Pink's new song 'Raise Your Glass' oh, I dunno, 7 times??? I'm a dork, I know. But it gets the job done!

Post workout was a quick water & vanilla Sun Warrior protein shake, a quick trip to the 'cottage' (I spend so much time at grocery stores I call them the cottage now) and home to stuff my face with some veggie california rolls, and a nice dessert of home-made hemp & seed crackers and goat's milk Gouda....

I've been plugging away at getting my new business up & running: in-home Personal Training for clients in the little town where I live. It's all coming together, and my ad will be out later this week, can't wait to get a response! And then I figured I should probably bite the bullet and finally get this blog on the road too. My goal will be to talk a lot more about food, excercise, maybe a little vino, recipes, that sort of thing. So just give me a few postings and I'll have some recipes to share as well. In the meantime, I foresee a little Fat Bastard Shiraz in my future with dinner tonight- Veggie Roll Bake (kinda like a deconstructed cabbage roll-ey type dish baked in the oven and topped with le fromage). If it sounds like something you might like to eat let me know and I'll pass along a recipe....

What are you having for din-din tonight, hmmmm?

When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was obsessed with those pregnancy books that give you a week by week/month by month run down of what is happening with your baby, and how they are developing. Early on, and I don't remember what exact month, the book said something like: 'Your baby is now the size of a kidney bean', and the nick-name stuck. We actually do call her The Bean to her face, she loves it and sometimes refers to herself that way. Not in a weird way. She doesn't speak about herself in the third person, or legume, all the time... Wonder if that'll still work when she's 17? "Mom, THE BEAN needs your car keys", "Dad, THE BEAN wants to go a date"..."THE BEAN is getting her belly button pierced"....hmmmm.

Okay, I gotta run so ttfn and more latah!
