Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Saw The Queen

Good Day! How are you? Recovering from Christmas & Holiday debauchery? Did you have a great weekend?

We sure did around here. Actually it was a magical Christmas for my little family. Totally low key, very relaxing, lots of time spent together, it was the best. The Bean was a darling, and savoured all her Christmas presents, it was too much fun. Brad is back at work for a little while today, probably only to get a bit of respite from playing Barbies for 3 days straight, what a good Daddy....

So the extent of my excercise from Friday to today involved lifting. Lifting heavy glasses of wine and eggnog, and forkfulls of 1 billion different kinds of chocolatey, delicious, rich Christmas foods to my lips. With a huge snow storm that made us housebound yesterday, I had to wait until today to get out of the house and straight to the gym. And so today I had my first post-Christmas EPIC workout. It wrecked me, and in a good way. The inspiration for my workout today came from a video I saw online, made by that girl on the 'BodyRock' website.

Ok now, let me just preface your viewing of that video (if you choose to check it out) by saying that that girl is in incredible shape. If you can get past her, er, ample chest, you'll see she has a pretty incredible physique and more importantly, is in extraordinary physical condition. And with that preface, I am sure it is safe to assume that if I have any male readers they are now furiously googling 'body rock' and are no longer reading!

Needless to say my respect for her physical abilities intensified when I attempted to complete one of the drills there and could only get through half of it. That was inspiring to me. Here I am, thinking I'm in half decent shape, and I was quickly disabused of that notion.

THEN, guess who I saw at the gym today? THE QUEEN. This is a nickname I have for a woman who goes there sometimes when I am there and she is this serene, gorgeous, perfectly formed beauty with a bod that is not only as close to perfection as can be, but she doesn't seem to sweat. Also, she just kinda 'floats' from place to place, with this serene look on her alabaster face. I feel like a sweaty, puffing little gremlin beside her. But the point is, she inspires me too. So between these two incidents, I am more in love with excercise than ever before, because I feel like I have major goals to achieve in the coming year. And I can't wait to go back to get going with those! What are your fitness goals this year? Want some help? Let me know....

So with all of that eating out of the way I am recomitting to putting healthier foods into my mouth. Last night I made a gorgeous Ragout of Winter Veggies and the rest of the week will involve Swiss Chard/Cheese/Quinoa Tart, Vegetarian Pizza (dough made in my new stand mixer, thank you Brad!!!), Roasted Squash & Sweet Potato Harvest Casserole. New Year's will either be Thai Food or possibly Chinese, we'll see how it goes. Either way it's gonna be a chill evening here at home for us....What are your plans?

Anyway, I must away to scale Mt Laundry and take care of some work-related emails & calls. Have a great day, and be back soon!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you ARE in great shape and if you couldn't do half a drill, this chick must be rockin' it! Impressive. And I like how you take the Queen's presence as an inspiration not as a source of bitterness, I love that about you!!! Good luck with your classes!! xx
