Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gluttony & Chutney, Bring it On!

Yo, Ho, Ho, Ho!
T Minus 4 days till Christmas- how you doing???

I'm just about all set myself for the big day, just a few last minute stocking stuffers for my Baby Daddy and it'll be go time. I did something insane last weekend, in an effort to totally finish all Christmas shopping- food included- and braved Walmart & Costco. On a sunny Saturday the week before Christmas, I can't imagine what was going through my head when I decided to embark on that mission, it was complete insanity! My only saving grace was that a) I was able to work out beforehand to minimize stress and b) I didn't have either the Bean or Brad with me, which would have made it unbearable. It got so bad in the aisles of Costco, where people were lounging and dawdling with their enormous carts, not letting people through. The look on my face must have been quite, er, significant shall we say? That people starting looking at me askance and quickly moving their carts aside so I could grab what I needed and go. It literally was like the Red Sea parting before me. Except I'm not Moses. I just posess The Beotch Face. Making Christmas Memories in box stores every year. Yup.

As it was I felt as though bleeding from the eyes would have been preferable to that excursion and unfortunately it depleted my Christmas Spirit considerably. However, all was restored the next day when I attended a glorious brunch and cookie exchange, where I got to stock up on dozens of gourmet cookies prepared by a fabulous bunch of ladies. You ever been to a cookie exchange? I am telling you it is the WAY to go- sure you gotta make a bunch of cookies to bring with you, but you come away with so much, and such wonderful variety! It works kind of like a multilevel marketing scheme or 'cookie pyramid' in a way, but hey, it's not like you're getting sucked into a bunch of Amway soap so it's all good!

So speaking of working out before a stressful shopping experience and the holidays. I was listening to a program on the radio this morning and the hosts were going on about how this time of year they just leave their fitness program go by the wayside, and just indulge to their heart's content. Let me be clear: you know I am a piglet. I don't limit myself to just the holidays to overindulge. It is a pastime I enjoy year round! But with that said, I'll be at the gym every day this week too. Keeping active will mitigate the effects of all the sweets, 'nog & wine and whatever else- why wait until January 1st to get moving? Just sayin.

It's nice to see so many people at the gym right now- and I know it will get out of control once Christmas is over. A lot of new people seem to be kicking around. Heavy Breathing Sound Effect Man is one new addition to my weightroom. Highly entertaining, for about the first 3 seconds. Sounds like he was trying to give birth instead of lifting a 20 lb dumbell. Good thing my Ipod goes pretty loud, sheesh.

Ok so I wanted to share a couple of things. The first is a Cranberry Chutney recipe that I make every year, borrowed from my superb auntie. It's a great alternative to canned cranberry sauce. It's highly spiced- not spicy- and will make your house smell like Christmas instantly. Not particularly the most healthy thing around due to the sugar, but you know what? Who cares. Goes great with all fowl, and we are going to have it with our Christmas dinner of stuffed Pork Roast (jury still out on whether I'll partake in that particular option, but it does look yummy). So here it is:

Cranberry Chutney

1 12 oz pkg fresh cranberries
2 Medium Granny Smith Apples, chopped
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup golden raisings
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1 tsp cinammon
1 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp cloves & allspice
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts.

Bring sugar and water to a boil, boil for 3 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients except nuts, bring to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes. When cool, add nuts. Refrigerate.

Last night for dinner I made 'Mexican Kitchen Sink Stuffed Peppers'. Yes, a very authentically Mexican dinner probably handed down generation after generation. Or not. But anyway, it was really good! It was an easy, tasty & healthy way to use up fridge leftovers, and you could change it up however you want. Here's what I used:

- 4 large sweet peppers (2 yellow, 2 red)
-leftover brown rice
- leftover chopped, steamed brocoli
-1 can black beans, drained & rinsed
-salt, pepper, cumin to taste, fresh garlic
-sliced black olives

Cut the tops of the peppers off and set aside. Remove the seeds and that white stuff that holds the seeds. Combine all other ingredients except the cheese, adding enough salsa to make it moist but not soupy. Scoop into the peppers and top with cheese. Place into a casserole dish so that the peppers are standing up, and wedged together so they don't tip over. Cover with foil and bake in a 375 oven until the peppers are tender and the rice mixture is hot. Remove foil and broil until cheese starts to get brown and bubbly. It was quite tasty, and I ate it with a salad on the side, very filling. And now I have a leftover one heating up in the oven for lunch, yum! You can hold on to the tops of the peppers and eat them with dip another time.

Ok you're probably getting tired of my rambling post so I'm done for now. Hope you guys are all in the Christmas Spirit and excited for the weekend...if I don't talk to you before then, have a wonderful holiday!!


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