Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to Cure a Man Cold

Ok my Lady Readers, Listen Up!

This is seriously hush-hush. If a man reads this post there's a chance my blog page could suspiciously dissapear, the information contained within is SO secret. But here it is:

I have discovered the CURE for the common MAN COLD. You know what I'm talking about, if you have a boyfriend,husband,father, son, brother, or male co-worker. They get a little sick, a little sniffle, a sore throat, whatever. And suddenly, it's as though they've contracted the Bubonic Plague. Couch-bound, breathing heavily through their mouths only, in need of constant pity, asking for cinammon toast with the crusts trimmed off and cut into triangles, too sick to eat supper at the table with you but not sick enough to nurse a beer in front of the hockey game. Ahhhh the Man Cold. Very serious. Not as serious as a Man Flu, but borderline.

So anyway, it appeared as though the cold virus has the ability to jump genders. I am not even kidding. I know this because yesterday I started to feel the effects of said condition myself. Yes, yours truly began to suffer from a Man Cold, starting as soon as I woke up. I knew that's what it was when I started sniffling, breathing only through my mouth, I whined at the Bean to pass me the tv remote, didn't have the energy to excercise and I started rummaging in the cupboards for brown sugar and cinammon to go on toast....And with only a 5 year old to nurse me back to wellness (Brad being out of town) I knew I had to take matters into my own hands and beat this thing. So, I snapped out of it, and devised a serious plan of attack in an effort to defy the enemy. And it totally worked, as this morning I woke up feeling like a million bucks, and proceeded to demolish the weightroom with renewed vigor, run errands like a maniac for the rest of the day, and I'm still going strong. Ready for the recipe?

Here it is. Consume the following in the order listed STAT, as symptoms present:

-1 packet EmergenC upon waking, followed by one extra glass of water
-4 Litres of Smart Water, consumed throughout the day
-1 Litre green juice (make yourself, go to Pete's Juice Bar, or buy some at the grocery store), with WHEATGRASS & CHLORELLA added to it
-Fresh fruits, raw veggies, seed crackers & goat cheese (this part must have been the clincher, I'm sure) for lunch
-Energy Bar for a snack (see preceding post's recipe)
-Ezekiel Wrap with sliced turkey, low fat cheddar, and spicy salsa for supper
-1 Extra Strength Neo Citran post supper
-1 cup chamomile-lavender tea before bed
-Bedtime at 8pm at the LATEST.

I swear it works. In fact I am SO sure of this cure, that I anticipate a Nobel Prize for Medicine in the mail poste-haste. I wanted to share this valuable information with you as soon as I could. Keep it on the DownLow though ok?

Good Luck My Sisters! Be Strong! Man Cold season is upon us, so be prepared!


  1. Thank you, thank you! I am stocking up with supplies in case your sisterly-man-cold is contagious, though god willing I'll survive.

    I'm currently sneezing and a bit sniffly. I will be sending my man to Shoppers tomorrow.

    But in the future? You should have called me, at the very least I could have said "Awww bebe, you need anything?" or brought you soup that we had for supper. Sheesh!


  2. Great advice. As for the vitamin C, it's best to use Isotonix because it is absorbed 98%. You can get that at Also as for the water..that is key! Half your body weight in ounces every day is the goal. To fight off a sickness, definitely try to get alkaline water. As for everything else, you're remedy is right on point.
