Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If You Already Love Your Abs & Glutes, then just ignore this post...

Well Hi There!
Remembah me? I barely remember myself! In fact, it's been SO long since I wrote a post that I actually had to try 5 times to sign in because I couldn't remember my password. Ahem. Bad 'Blogger'! I can barely even call myself a Blogger for all the action around this site, sheesh. Sorry about that! But even so, I am back today and wanted to put out an exercise post this time.

So the areas I get requests to 'work extra hard' with clients & class participants is often the core area, as well as the glutes. I don't often hear them referred to in such diplomatic terms, but I could hardly call this the Mummy Tummy & Ghetto Onion Workout, right? You call it what you want, but let's get started. For this little series, you'll need your exercise mat (or towel), 2 facecloths, and a slippery floor- hardwood, laminate, linoleum, that sort of thing. Carpet not recommended, no way.

Before you get started, BE ABSOLUTELY SURE that you've had a little warmup- 10-15 minutes to get your heart rate up a bit (and a light sweat going), get your joints moving, blood circulating, and your muscles warm. Follow that with a stretch, paying particular attention to your shoulders, chest, quads, hamstrings. Since I am a blogging dork and still don't upload pictures, I would recommend an Internet search of difference stretches, if you don't already know a few.

So the first exercise if for your core- all your abdominal bits! Please do both of these exercises with your running shoes on, ok? Lay out your mat on the slippery floor, and kneel at the top of it, so that there are only a few inches between your knees, and where the mat ends. Then:
-Place your hands (palms down) on the two facecloths, which are laid out on the slippery floor.
-Slide your hands forward (away from you), keep your back flat/straight, and your bum down, and slide just until you feel your core muscles tense up a bit, or become 'engaged'.
-Now, extend one hand forward with a straight arm, about 6 inches (or more, depending on your current core strength) and draw it back towards your body. As the first hand comes back towards you, start extending the other hand out, repeating the same motion. Alternate hands like this for a complete set; start with 2 on each side and work upwards from there. Don't forget to breathe. Did you feel your core working? If not, do more reps, and try sliding the hands further away from the body.

Exercise #2: Glutes!
-Sit on your mat, with your bum at the end of the mat, and your legs on the slippery floor.
-Place a facecloth under each heel this time, and lie back so that your body, from the lower back up, is on the mat.
-Bend your knees, and draw your heels towards your body so that while you are in this recumbent position, your heels are up at the edge of the mat, behind your bum, with your knees bent.
-Lift your hips UP! Way up! It should be a straight line from your lower back, all the way up to your knees; your feet are still on the ground, on the facecloths. Squeeze your glutes.
-Next, slide one foot away from your body on the slipper floor & facecloth, and extend until it is straight. Now bring that foot & leg back to the starting position. As you bring the first foot back, start extending the other foot in the same motion, and continue to alternate the slide outs for a full set.
-Again, start with a set of 4 and move up from there, depending on your current ability. Don't you feel that in your glutes & hamstrings?

Try doing a set of the hand slide outs, followed by a set of the glute slide outs back to back and repeat for two sets of each. And of course, be sure to stretch afterwards. Let me know how you make out with them!

So there you have it! I feel weird that I said the word BUM so many times, but whatever. My American friends, that's just how we roll up here, not so much the word 'butt'. Hope you enjoyed the post, and let me know your feedback or if you have any questions!

Gotta run for now, back soon with a recipe next time!
