Friday, January 14, 2011

You Know What They Say About A Girl With Big Feet....

Hey Everyone, how goes your Friday? Sorry it's been a while since I had anything to talk at ya about, but things were a bit hectic as I settled into my new routine. I've started teaching aerobics classes, and have been taking on new personal training clients, while still doing the everyday Mommy/life stuff and my own excercise regime, so it's taking a bit of adjustment, in a good way. Today I decided to take the day off, especially from excercise, as it's been a pretty large physical activity week for me. A rest day never hurt anyone, right? By tomorrow I'll be chomping at the bit I'm sure!

So speaking of excercise, I've been in the market for a new pair of sneaks. Whatever, right? Get down to Sportcheck or Foot Locker just and buy some, right? Yeah not so much. Because some of us don't just have feet. We have pontoons. Those of you who know me personally know it- I'm like a frickin' sasquatch, and you can see my feet coming around a corner before you see the rest of me. It's brutal. You also know that one of the highest compliments you can give me is: "Wow, those shoes/boots/pedicure/etc make your feet look so SMALL!".

This is nothing new. I was fitting into my Mom's dainty size 8s in the 6th grade. Uncles used to encourage me to really get into barefoot waterskiing before I even hit my teens. I think I was supposed to be taller, but oh well. I could go on and on with anecdotes like this, but I think you're probably starting to get the point.

You know what they say about a girl with big feet...we need big shoes. And that can be a tricky proposition when you're rockin' a set of size 10-11 feet. So for that reason, shoe shopping- particularly running shoe shopping- ranks somewhere lower on the list than Bikini Shopping and Bra Shopping. Too much info. Sorry. Just sayin'. Lady readers, that might resonate with ya's.

So wish me luck in my search eh. And if you have any tips for where us particularly Pediendowed folks can get a pair of quality sneaks that don't make us look like Ronald McDonald.

Meantime, how about a recipe for something super easy that sounds fancy? Behold: Miso Glazed Baked Salmon. Great anytime, takes just a few minutes to make, can even be served for a dinner party. If you don't have Miso in your life yet, give it a go. It will satisfy your 'Salt Tooth' in a healthy way. Miso is a fermented soy bean paste (please, don't stop reading, it really is good!) that's got B12 vitamins,and trace minerals zinc, manganese & copper. Plus it's high in protein. Here's the recipe:

1 TBS grapeseed or vegetable/canola oil
1 large garlic clove, minced
1/2 tsp Chinese Five Spice Powder
1/2 cup red miso paste
1/2 cup maple syrup
2 TBS brown rice vinegar
hot pepper sesame oil to taste (or sesame oil & dried red pepper flakes if you can't find it)

Heat oil in a small saucepan over med heat. Add garlic and 5 spice powder and cook for about 30 seconds or til it becomes fragrant. Whisk in the remaining ingredients (except sesame oil & pepper flakes),bring to a boil and cook, whisking constantly for about 3-4 minutes or until slightly thickened. Season to taste with hot pepper sesame oil. Let the sauce cool & thicken further before using.

I like to drizzle this sauce over baked or barbecued salmon portions. But if you're not feeling the fish love then drizzle over steamed/roasted veggies or protein of your choice. It's delish.

Alrighty, hope your weekend gets off to a good start! Mine is bound to; I'm training a client first thing tomorrow morning then getting ready for a bootcamp with Tommy Europe from the television shows 'The Last 10 lbs Bootcamp' and 'Bulging Brides'. I hope he doesn't make me cry. We'll see. So if it's cool I'll post after the weekend with those shenanigans.

Have a great one, thanks for reading!


  1. Good luck with Tommy, I am sure you can keep up!!! :) I also am a size 10, it can be tough but don't settle, find the right fit for YOUR pontoons! :)

  2. Hey Melissa, congrats again on your fitness classes - I knew you would rock it! I will see you tomorrow at the Bootcamp..I am helping run it with Tommy - I am super stoked to work with him! (: It's going to be awesome!!

  3. well, I immediately feel fat coming over to your fit blog! damn, I better start walking up the hill behind us daily. I hear you are a ripped sweet mama - so says your mother in law. I better start using your recipes, and stop making my doughnuts and whole wheat rice crispie squares - who am I kidding - really!

  4. I've got another friend with big feet... I'll ask her about sneakers :)

    Also, too funny, I made your miso glaze for our salmon last week. I wish I made it after you posted this, it would have been a lot easier to find the recipe!!
