Alright People, the Spectacle is over! Nothin' to see here!
Yes, I have just returned from my Own Personal Spectacle, in other words, my first 'run' in over 6 months. It ain't pretty. A runner I am not, I'll be honest; I affectionately refer to my runs more as a 'stagger' up and down the road, it's so slow and uncoordinated. Give me a dumbell, ask me to do pushups and I'm good to go- but lacing up a pair of sneaks and heading out on the open road is at worst, very difficult for me, and at best, the half hour comedy show. Remember how ridiculous Phoebe looked on Friends when she ran? Picture that and you'll have a glimpse into my running style.
Running where I live, in a rural area, is an adventure to be sure. There's the road kill- dodging that makes my run feel like an obstacle course, which is fun. And there are the vehicles- many of which give me a wide berth, others, not so much. The 'honkers' and 'oglers', love those guys, they're the best. Specially the guy who drives the filthy Honey Wagon (septic truck) who honks when he goes past. Wish he'd just pull over so I could get his number for a date, he's so awesome. One time last year when I was staggering- I mean running- along the road, I ran up behind a half drunken country boy, swaggering down the road with no shirt on, and when I passed him he leered: "Awww come on, yew kin run faster n nat"....Yes, like I say, it's always an adventure and a sight to behold when I run. Not quite as funny as when I attempt to do Zumba-type aerobics classes (need I elaborate on the 'Strip Tease Aerobics' Fiasco of 2007?! I think not.) My body just doesn't move in that way, unfortunately. Though I do envy the legions of people who swear by Zumba, it looks like a great workout and a lot of fun. It's just not for me. Ah, but I digress....
So how do I REALLY feel about running?! Well, even though it's not my forte, I try to do it sometimes because it's a physical challenge. I feel good for trying it once it's all done, like proud of myself somehow. And I know it's good for us in a cardiovascular sense. A friend recently asked me how I run, what is my technique. Well, first I put my sneakers on. Then I go out the door and walk for a few minutes to warmup, then I start running and I don't stop until I get home. Usually about 5-6km, maybe 8 km max once I work up to it. I'll probably never do a 1/2 marathon, and I'm fine with that. So there's my technique. The Beastie Boys & Green Day on my Ipod help me to keep moving. I come home and stretch, drink water, have a snack. If it's sunny on Friday I may try it again. Get your tickets now for the 1/2 hr comedy show...
We had a great weekend around here, the sun was shining and it was gorgeous out. Lots of family time, two large workouts at the gym and lots of good food. Last night I made an impromptu Harvest Bake for dindin that turned out pretty good. The Bean gulped it down in about 5 bites, so it must have been a hit. Here's what I used:
- 1 Butternut Squash, peeled and cut into 2 inch chunks
- 1.5 cup Baby Cut Carrots, rinsed
- 2 Large Parsnips, peeled and cut into baby-carrot-sized pieces
- 1 medium onion, chopped, & 1 shallot, chopped
- 2 cups of stale flax bread, cut into large crouton-sized pieces
- Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Cracked Pepper, Minced Garlic & 1 heaping tsp dried thyme leaves (not powdered)
- A few glugs of Organic Vegetable Stock
- Aged White Cheddar- you decide how much cheese you like, I don't want to mention how much I used in case you get weirded out by how much cheese I eat.
- In a large bowl, toss the squash pieces, carrots & parsnips with a few glugs of Olive Oil, salt & pepper & garlic to taste. Spread on a cookie sheet and roast at 425, for about 35 minutes. Halfway through, give them a shake so they brown and carmelize on all sides.
-While those veggies are roasting, heat a TBS of olive oil in a saucepan and sautee the onion & shallot until translucent, adding the thyme towards the end to release the flavour.
-When the root veggies are done roasting, toss them back into the bowl with the onion mixture, and add the croutons. Stir to coat, and add a few glugs of the stock to moisten it up a bit- but not enough to make it soggy.
-Spread it all in a greased casserole dish and top with cheese. Cover with foil and bake in the oven at 375 for about 20 minutes, then remove the foil. Broil for a little while longer until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Remove, let cool for a few minutes and dig in. It's kinda like stuffing. Without all the other stuff. We thought it was yummy....Served with a nice green/spinach salad and you'd be all set. We're having the rest of it tonight around here with said salad to go along with it.
So what else is on the go? Busy busy round these parts, prior to the stagger this a.m. I trained a client, and will do so again later in the week. I'm planning to do an advertising run tomorrow after the gym and bring my flyers to various locations around town to see about picking up a couple more clients, so that should be good. Aside from the usual minutae of everday life I'd like to come up with a few more recipes to post, so I'll work on that too.
What about you guys? Anyone else running like a crazy fool this week? Any tips on running? Or motivating music? Am I the only person who can't Zumba? Oh, and I won't dare tell you exactly how far & fast I ran. For two reasons. Number 1: it doesn't matter. We all gotta go at our own pace, it's not a competition. Just get moving. And Number 2: I don't want to lose my street cred as a fit person by admitting my snail-like pace. Admittedly, I am vain in this regard.
So I'm out for now, hope your week is off to a great start! See you again soon!
OK, I think I might be one of those people who honk and oggle as I drive by ;) haha, Angus too. You are too hard on yourself.
ReplyDeleteRunning. Me? Ummm. Anything that makes my gigantuous g's smack me in the face... I try to avoid. Although a new GOOD sports bra could be the answer. And then you'll see me running like a little duck up the street. You'll laugh!
Your roasted veggie casserole sounds delish!
Really April? Was that YOU in the Honey Wagon?! BTW I love you guys...
mmmmm...puts me in mind of schwartz's that what they were called? was that even real?
ReplyDeletezumba makes me feel like an idiot. if i had a few drinks beforehand, no problem!