Friday, October 22, 2010

No School = Shopping & Sushi! And Mexican Hummus

I am writing to you today from the murky depths of my sushi coma. Hope I make some sense because I'm feeling half-lobotomized from the lovely carb-y lunch I just had. There was no school today, so the original plan was to hit the gym with my little one- she loves the daycare there and practically grew up in it. But now that she goes to school, rarely gets to go anymore. Needless to say things did not go according to plan! Woke up in pain, verrrrry sore (in a good way though) from a week of pretty Large Workouts, and I haven't had a break in 6 I thought maybe now would be a good day to listen to what my body was saying and just take a break. Done.

What better thing to do on a no-school, windy, rainy Nova Scotia day? Go shopping of course! The Bean has a full social calendar this weekend with 2 birthday parties, so we decided to take care of the presents (and a Bench hoodie for you know who- no comment on the fact that I may or may not be too old to be wearing Bench but guess what, Mama no care so there) and do some errand running to boot (quick trip to the Cottage/Superstore). I have to say, going out with my girl, listening to tunes on the way into the city (is there anything sweeter than a clear, high, pitch-perfect 5 year old voice singing over Pink's 'So What'? I think not), shopping, going out for lunch is pretty well my idea of a perfect day. And luckily for me, my daughter loves to eat as much as I do! I've been grooming her on sushi since day one, muah ha ha, my evil plan to have a perpetual lunch date partner has come together nicely. Although our most favorite sushi spot is closed -Minato Sushi, why you do this to me?!- we went to our second fave, Fujiyama, which I highly recommend. Unless you have claustrophobia, in which case I might recommend somewhere else as it might remind you of a coffin where they serve sushi. The restaurant is underground in an old excavated building basement, and the tables are arranged in nooks and crannies throughout- today The Bean and I were lucky enough to have our own private cave to eat in, it was awesome. This girl is so well behaved in restaurants, I am so fortunate...she's happy to sit and 'cheers' water glasses, chit chat about stuph. Not that hearing about which little boy at school picked his nose and ate it is the height of high communication, but whatever, it's conversation! We each mowed on miso soup, mixed tempura (like buttah, melted in our mouths), cucumber rolls and sweet-potato & avocado was complete sushi debauchery and now I feel like I need a nap.....

Anyone else like sushi? What do you like to order, and where do you go for good Sushi? I could eat it almost every day, but I'll be honest, I'm not really into the eel, roe, and raw fish stuff. Tried it, it's not for me. I envy those of you who do care for it...

So what about some Mexican Hummus, ol(eh?) I'll be honest, this recipe is one I sort of stole and reworked from my friend E.M, who is a very talented home Chef. I love eating lunch at her house....

Get your food processor and fit it with the S blade. Then put in:
-1 can of drained, rinsed chick peas
-2-3 tsp minced garlic (less or more according to your taste)
-a few quick glugs of Olive Oil
-1/4 cup of your favorite tomato salsa
-1/2 tsp ground Cumin (or more, to your taste)
-1/4 tsp ground Chili powder
-a few splashes of fresh or bottled lime juice
-Salt & Pepper to taste
-1 TBS chopped jalapenos (the nacho kind you get in a can) This part optional, it gives it some zing so if you no likey too spicey just forget about it.

Blend er up till it looks like a red-tinged version of the hummus you always see. Taste it, and adjust spices as needed. Hope you like it.

Speaking of Mexi-type foods, I have another one for tomorrow that you may enjoy; Tex Mex Chicken in the slow cooker. Even though I'm not eating a ton of meat these days this recipe popped into my head the other day and I thought I'd haul it out bc it's so yummy. So dust off the slow cooker if you haven't already. I'll post the recipe tomorrow but for now I must go and digest and enjoy the afternoon with the little one...

Thank you for reading and for all of your positive support, it sure means a lot to me!


  1. I loooooove me some sushi! And I am one of those that like the "raw fish stuff." (In roll form preferably.) Spicy king crab, wasabi tuna and a mango roll = the perfect order for myself at my favorite place, Yokoso. (Not that it is anywhere near you!) But I love the striped bass, the scallops.....and even a little eel from time to time. :)

    Your recipe above sounds delish. Might have to give it a whirl.

  2. Hey girl, enjoying your blogs! I started a page too but have not posted's still rolling around in my noggin. (: I, like you, gravitate towards a vegetarian/vegan diet, however, my sushi choices are usually salmon, tuna and mango with the occasional red snapper sashimi.I don't have it often and am a bit of nut about food freshness & quality(food snob) and eating out so it's got to be Hamachi or the like..I've never heard of Fujiyama..where is this place? Sounds interesting!

  3. perfect timing! We have chick peas soaking and no tahini - thought we needed it but with your recipe we can do without!
